Madonna Tops Off Her Career

Dear Material Girl: Well apparently it's time to review my annual love letter to you. I call this a love letter but you may interpret this as criticism. Truly, I write out of concern for you and your judgment. While I believe your recent appearance in Interview Magazine should best be called full frontal view, that would be stating the obvious.

No Protection From NFL's and Secret Service's Self-Inflicted Body Blows

Job security – that’s what I’m all about as I run my firm, which specializes in crisis and reputation management. I am frequently called to assist in or, like everyone else, just watch in horror as yet another poorly managed issue that while awful at its core is mangled further by how it has been handled.

There Are No Perks To Being A Wallflower

“OH. MY. GOD. Where do I sit? I don’t know anyone. Oh, she looks like she might be nice. I’ll just plop down next to—NOPE. That seat is saved.

Keep it together, Kristin. Eventually someone will have to talk to you.

Goodbye Technology, Hello Sanity

Hello Technology: I’ve tried so hard to embrace and love you, but it’s just not working out. It’s not you, it’s me. Welll, maybe sometimes it is you. After all, why do so many companies have those “Chat” folks available for scrolls and scrolls of questions?